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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Day 22-26: Back to Copenhagen -> to Paris.... the journey should go on !

So we are back to Copenhagen in the morning. Since it was a working day, we directly went to the University and to our office. It was a good feeling after coming back to Copenhagen. Felt like home, though it has been 20 days only.We rested ourselves for a while in office, the personal laptop that we had were in the office itself as we left from the there directly for the Amsterdam trip. We switched them on, copied images from the camera, uploaded them on the Picasa and Orkut (yes you heard it, Orkut(It was the most popular social media platform in India at that time and Facebook was sort of in oblivion). Started chatting about our grand first trip with our friends, felt like yes we did something amazing. 
During the whole day, we had lot of tea and fruits. We just spent the whole day, watching the pictures, chatting with friends, telling them about our first experience about the Europe. Called back home after a long time, told them about the trip and what all the things we did (Censored).

Around 4:30pm , we left the office, and headed back for the home. Before going home, we picked daily supplies like bread, milk, corn flakes, and some things new for a change. We reached back home around 6pm, and freshened ourselves. We ate some bread, milk and fruits for the time, then after rested for an hour, by that time Out landlord Mr. AS was also back from the office, so we set down and started talking about the trip. Lots of things were discussed except the strip club part.Mr. AS asked us about the trip, how we managed the transport and some other things, as he was also planning to go there some time with his family (censored trip !). After talking for 1 hour, I set down with them for dinner. Had some more talk over the dinner. Finally I came back to the room at around 10pm, did some chatting and surfing internet.
We slept that day like horses, hoping for a bright Tuesday morning when we wake up. 

Following 3 days - 
Now we became a little serious about the work. I started work on assignment, and some small reading about the next assignment. The first rough analysis of first assignment was ready by Thursday.  I mailed that to my guide and comforted myself that yes I have done something.  After planning our future trips we were all set to roll out to Paris, the city of dreams, love and fashion. Our plan was to reach Paris on Friday and get around for two days and back to pavilion on Monday direct to office. But we got hit by the railway office as there were no reservations available for Thursday. So we had no other choice but to buy the tickets for Friday. 

So all the much awaited plan of Paris  was slashed down by 1 day. We were all set and had planned the way we gonna travel Paris, although all was on Mr. A who was Paris for his intern to show us around the city. As he has already seen all of it, and we also left our accommodation concerns on him. Plan was to stay in his hostel [to be specific in his room, free of charge], no contingency plan]. Hopefully all will go by the plan, but you never know, there’s always space for surprises.

To Paris we go-

So on Friday, we packed our bags, planned as usual to leave directly from office, our train was at about 4:30pm, not sure. We left office  at 3:30pm, went to the central station. There is a shop –Afgaan market from where we use to buy our trip food always. Bought some snacks, fruits and for me mango pickle. We boarded the train, Mr. A Junior was also with us. We had to change 3 trains, to reach Paris. The route was – Copenhagen ->Hamburg-> Lillifrandis- > Paris.

So we had to do a lot of here and there trips. We were gonna reach Paris, on next day afternoon, so had a long way to pass out, without any doubt cards were always with us, we played for god knows how long. Still a long long way to go–uhhhhhhffffff................. keep going till next time.

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